CLI Quickstart

The CLI allows you to interact with the LINQ API to validate, plan, and execute workflows.

To get an exhausive list of available commands, their arguments and sub-commands, use:

linq --help

To learn more about linq auth and linq configure see the getting started guide.

To learn more about linq workcell see the workflow execution topic.

To learn more about linq workflow see the planning and validation topic or follow the following quickstart:

Validating and planing a workflow

To validate and plan the workflow object example_workflow defined in, we start by validating the workflow:

linq workflow validate examples/quickstart/

If the workflow is valid, we can create and publish it to the LINQ API:

linq workflow create examples/quickstart/

which will return a workflow ID. We can then plan the workflow:

linq workflow plan start <workflow_id UUID>

Track the progress of planning:

linq workflow plan status <workflow_id> <plan_id>

View completed plan in JSON:

linq workflow plan result <workflow_id> <plan_id>

which can be optionally visualized with:


What’s next

To learn what’s next and how to execute a workflow, see workflow execution.