The workflow
module contains the main classes for creating a workflow. When creating a workflow,
it’s assumed that a workcell has already been created.
Workflow classes
- class linq.workflow.Workflow(*, workcell: Workcell, name: str, author: str, description: str, version: str, scheduler_version: str, labware_types: list[LabwareType], labware: list[Labware], tasks: Sequence[ActionTask | CodeTask | Conditional] = ..., time_constraints: list[TimeConstraint] = ..., instrument_blocks: list[InstrumentBlock] = ..., options: Options = ..., run_instructions: list[RunInstruction] = ..., published: bool = False, hooks: Sequence[TaskStateChangeHook | RunStateChangeHook | LabwareMovementHook | SafetyStateChangeHook | NewPlanHook] = ..., python_scripts_version: str | None = None, parameter_definitions: list[Annotated[BooleanParameterDefinition | IntegerParameterDefinition | FloatParameterDefinition | StringParameterDefinition, FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]] = ..., batches: int | ParameterReference = 1)
Describes a workflow. This is the main entrypoint into the SDK, most CLI actions require a workflow to work.
- name: str
Workflow name.
- author: str
Workflow author.
- description: str
Workflow description.
- version: str
Workflow version. This is arbitrary for now.
- scheduler_version: str
Version of the scheduler to use. Use get_latest_scheduler_version to get the latest supported version.
- labware_types: list[LabwareType]
List of all types of labware used in the workflow.
- tasks: Sequence[ActionTask | CodeTask | Conditional]
The workflow tasks.
- time_constraints: list[TimeConstraint]
List of time constraints the workflow has to fulfill.
- instrument_blocks: list[InstrumentBlock]
List of instrument blocks the workflow has to fulfill.
- run_instructions: list[RunInstruction]
Instructions for running the workflow.
- published: bool
Whether the workflow is published on the LINQ platform or not
- hooks: Sequence[TaskStateChangeHook | RunStateChangeHook | LabwareMovementHook | SafetyStateChangeHook | NewPlanHook]
Hooks to be triggered when a run state or task state changes.
- python_scripts_version: str | None
Version of the Python scripts repository managed by the organization. Leaving as None will pull the latest version if available.
- batches: int | ParameterReference
Number of batches of the workflow to run. Default value 1 means no batching.
- add_task(task: TaskLike) TaskLike
Add a task to the workflow.
- class linq.workflow.Options(*, planner: PlannerOptions | None = None, executor: ExecutorOptions | None = None, is_explicit: bool = False)
Planning and execution options for a workflow.
- planner: PlannerOptions | None
Planning-specific options, used to tweak what the planner optimises for.
- executor: ExecutorOptions | None
Execution-specific options.
- is_explicit: bool
Set this to true to prevent the API from adding any implicit logic, like opening doors, loading/unloading instruments, etc.
- class linq.workflow.ExecutorOptions(*, behaviour_on_failure: Literal['abort', 'pause', 'continue'])
Options for the execution of a workflow.
- behaviour_on_failure: Literal['abort', 'pause', 'continue']
Behaviour of the system when a task fails. Defaults to cancelling the workflow.
- class linq.workflow.PlannerOptions(*, target_objective: float | None = None, max_computation_time: int | None = None, max_dead_time: int | None = None, round_robin_load_balancing: bool = False, preset: Literal['DRAFT', 'TEST', 'PROD_STANDARD', 'PROD_LARGE'] | None = None, optimisation_target: Literal['minimize_total_plan_duration', 'minimize_labware_idle_time', 'balance_total_plan_duration_and_labware_idle_time'] = 'minimize_total_plan_duration')
Planning-specific options, used to tweak how the planner behaves and what it optimises for.
- target_objective: float | None
Target objective value.
- max_computation_time: int | None
Max computation time allowed for the planner, in seconds. Starting point governed by option guaranteed_solution.
- max_dead_time: int | None
Max dead time allowed between tasks with a transport between them
- round_robin_load_balancing: bool
Where there are equidistant instruments (instruments that take the same time to transport to), maestro uses round robin to assign instruments to those tasks.
- preset: Literal['DRAFT', 'TEST', 'PROD_STANDARD', 'PROD_LARGE'] | None
The plan CLI has a number of presets that can be used to quickly adjust the behaviour of the planner to suit different user needs. The available presets are: - DRAFT: To be used when it is not important if the plan is accurate or feasible. A plan generated with this preset does not guarantee that the workflow is actually possible to run in the real world - TEST: The planner will try to find a plan quickly, but it may not be optimal. - PROD_STANDARD: A preset with fairly standard settings. This is useful for making sure that the planner is using the recommended settings. - PROD_LARGE: A preset with settings that are more suitable for large workflows. This preset is useful when the workflow is large and the planner is taking a long time to find a plan.
- class linq.workflow.TimeConstraint(*, id: str, constraint_type: TimeConstraintType, start_task: ActionTask, end_task: ActionTask, min_duration: int | None, max_duration: int | None)
A time constraint for a sequence of tasks.
- id: str
Unique ID for this time constraint.
- constraint_type: TimeConstraintType
Time constraint type.
- start_task: ActionTask
First task in the sequence that the constraint applies to.
- end_task: ActionTask
Last task in the sequence that the constraint applies to.
- min_duration: int | None
Minimum duration allowed for the sequence.
- max_duration: int | None
Maximum duration allowed for the sequence.
- enum linq.workflow.TimeConstraintType(value)
- Member Type:
Valid values are as follows:
- START_TO_END = <TimeConstraintType.START_TO_END: 'start_to_end'>
- START_TO_START = <TimeConstraintType.START_TO_START: 'start_to_start'>
- END_TO_END = <TimeConstraintType.END_TO_END: 'end_to_end'>
- END_TO_START = <TimeConstraintType.END_TO_START: 'end_to_start'>
- CONSISTENCY = <TimeConstraintType.CONSISTENCY: 'consistency'>
- class linq.workflow.InstrumentBlock(*, start_task: ActionTask, end_task: ActionTask)
An instrument block instruction, keeping the instrument from being used between two tasks.