
ActionTask Classes

class linq.task.ActionTask(*, id: str = '', description: str = '', dependencies: list[ActionTask | CodeTask | Conditional] = ..., action: str = '', time_estimate: int, instrument_type: str, labware_sources: list[LabwareSource | StoredLabware], labware_outputs: list[LabwareOutput | StoredLabware] = ..., instrument_mappings: list[str] | None = None, available_failure_actions: AvailableFailureActions = ..., skip: bool = False, mock_behaviour: MockBehaviour | None = None, inputs: Inputs = ..., static_arguments: dict[str, Any] | None = None, shared_arguments: dict[str, str] | None = None)

A Task executing an action.

action: str

ID of the action taken (see driver CLI for possible actions for each instrument.)

time_estimate: int

Estimated time to execute the task.

instrument_type: str

Type of the instrument this task runs on.

labware_sources: list[LabwareSource | StoredLabware]

Defines the source of each labware required for this task.

labware_outputs: list[LabwareOutput | StoredLabware]

Outputs of this task. If left empty, defaults to a labware output for each labware source.

instrument_mappings: list[str] | None

Restrict task to run on an instrument from one of these mappings.

available_failure_actions: AvailableFailureActions

Available actions to be taken in case of failure.

skip: bool

Set to true to skip this task.

mock_behaviour: MockBehaviour | None

Overrides for the behaviour of the task on mock drivers

inputs: Inputs

Inputs to be passed to the task. The key is the name of the input. Can be a TaskOutputReference to the output of another task, a ReferenceData to some stored data, or a literal value.

static_arguments: dict[str, Any] | None

Deprecated, use typed ‘inputs’ field instead

shared_arguments: dict[str, str] | None

Deprecated, use typed ‘inputs’ field instead

forward(*, output: int, destination_slot: int | SlotFillingRule = 1, units_consumed: int | None = None, dependencies: list[ActionTask | CodeTask | Conditional] | None = None) LabwareSource
forward(*, labware: Labware | None = None, destination_slot: int | SlotFillingRule = 1, units_consumed: int | None = None, dependencies: list[ActionTask | CodeTask | Conditional] | None = None) LabwareSource

Create a labware source from an output of a previous task.

This can be used to forward previously used labware to another task without having to reference the source task multiple times.

out(output_name: str | None = None) TaskOutputReference

Reference to the output of this task. If the task has only one output, output_name can be left as None.

class linq.task.LabwareSource(labware: Labware, destination_slot: int | SlotFillingRule = 1, source_task: ActionTask | ConditionalSourceTask | None = None, dependencies: list[ActionTask | CodeTask | Conditional] = ..., units_consumed: int | None = None)

Specifies the labware required for a task.

labware: Labware

Labware being passed into a task.

destination_slot: int | SlotFillingRule

The instrument slot where the labware will be placed, or the rule for filling slots with labware (batching)

source_task: ActionTask | ConditionalSourceTask | None

ID of the task the labware is being transported from. None for tasks retrieving labware from their initial instrument.

dependencies: list[ActionTask | CodeTask | Conditional]

Additional tasks that have to be completed before the labware for the task is retrieved.

units_consumed: int | None

The number of units of the labware that are consumed in the task. Tied to the total_units of the labware. Leave blank for no units to be consumed.

class linq.task.StoredLabware(labware: linq.labware.Labware, slot: int)
class linq.task.LabwareOutput(labware: Labware, slot: int | OutputSlotFillingRule = 1)

Specifies the output of labware from a task.

labware: Labware

Labware output by the task.

slot: int | OutputSlotFillingRule

The slot the task outputs the labware at. Defaults to 1. If using a SlotFillingRule for the input, use OutputSlotFillingRule for the output to match the slots.

class linq.task.AvailableFailureActions(*, complete_manually: bool = True, retry: bool = True, ignore: bool = False)

Available actions that can be taken by an operator if a task fails.

complete_manually: bool

Allow manually completing the task.

retry: bool

Allow retrying.

ignore: bool

Allow ignoring the failure and continuing the workflow.

CodeTask Classes

class linq.task.CodeTask(*, id: str = '', description: str = '', dependencies: list[Union[ForwardRef('ActionTask'), ForwardRef('CodeTask'), ForwardRef('Conditional')]] = ..., function: linq.task.LuaFunction | linq.task.PythonReferenceFunction, inputs: linq.task.Inputs = ...)
function: LuaFunction | PythonReferenceFunction

The function to be executed.

inputs: Inputs

The inputs to the function. The key is the name of the input. Can be a TaskOutputReference to the output of another task, a ReferenceData to some stored data, or a literal value.

out(output_name: str | None = None) TaskOutputReference

Reference to the output of this task. If the task has only one output, output_name can be left as None.

class linq.task.LuaFunction
class linq.task.PythonReferenceFunction