Authentication and Configuration
This section details the process of connecting to the LINQ cloud and authenticating using the Command Line Interface (CLI). It explores different authentication methods for secure access.
To view all linq auth
commands in the CLI, use:
linq auth --help
LINQ Cloud
In order to use the LINQ SDK and API, a user must be added to LINQ Cloud in the environment that workflow planning, deployment, and publication will occur.
To add a user, consult the LINQ Cloud user manual.
To configure the LINQ SDK’s environment connection, run:
linq configure
and provide your api_domain
, auth0_domain
, and client_id
as provided by your Automata Customer Success Manager.
SSO (Browser) Auth
To authenticate via a LINQ Cloud browser session, run:
linq auth login
and follow the prompts in the browser window that opens.
Machine to Machine Authentication
To be able to authenticate with LINQ Cloud without opening a browser window, you need to create a machine credential. This can be done by running the following command:
linq auth credentials create --name <credential_name_name>
This will return a client ID and client secret, which you can use to authenticate with the CLI.
The client secret is only displayed once and never stored by Automata, so make sure to save it in a secure location.
To authenticate with the CLI, you can run the following command:
LINQ_CLIENT_ID=<client_id> LINQ_CLIENT_SECRET=<client_secret> linq auth login --machine
You will see a message that you have successfully authenticated with the CLI.
You can also list, delete and rotate a machine credential by running the following commands:
linq auth credentials list
linq auth credentials delete --id <id>
linq auth credentials rotate-secret --id <id>
Each user is limited to 2 machine credentials. Please make sure to delete any unused credentials to avoid reaching the limit.