
A user can define webhooks which will send POST requests to the specified URL when certain conditions are met.

Defining Webhooks

Webhooks are defined at the workflow level. All hooks take a HookParameters field which includes the URL and header that should be used in the POST request.

pydantic model linq.hooks.HookParameters

Show JSON schema
   "title": "HookParameters",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "url": {
         "title": "Url",
         "type": "string"
      "headers": {
         "additionalProperties": {
            "type": "string"
         "description": "HTTP headers to include in the request",
         "title": "Headers",
         "type": "object"
   "required": [

field url: str [Required]
field headers: dict[str, str] [Optional]

HTTP headers to include in the request

to_api_input() HookParametersInput
classmethod from_api_output(api_output_parameters: HookParameters) Self

Currently, users may define the following hooks:

  • RunStateChangeHook

  • TaskStateChangeHook

  • SafetyStateChangeHook

  • LabwareMovementHook

  • NewPlanHook

RunStateChangeHook will send a POST request when the run changes state.

class linq.hooks.RunStateChangeHook(*, parameters: HookParameters, filter: Literal[Filters.ON_RUN_STATE_CHANGE] = FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='Event type triggering the hook. No longer required.', deprecated=True))

Hook to be triggered when a run state changes.

TaskStateChangeHook requires a task ID. A POST request will be sent when the specified task enters a new state.

class linq.hooks.TaskStateChangeHook(*, parameters: HookParameters, filter: Literal[Filters.ON_TASK_STATE_CHANGE] = FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='Event type triggering the hook. No longer required.', deprecated=True), task_ids: list[str] = FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='List of task IDs that the hook should be triggered for. If empty, the hook will be triggered for all tasks.'))

Hook to be triggered when a task state changes.

SafetyStateChangeHook will send a POST request when the safety state changes.

class linq.hooks.SafetyStateChangeHook(*, parameters: HookParameters, filter: Literal[Filters.ON_SAFETY_STATE_CHANGE] = FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='Event type triggering the hook. No longer required.', deprecated=True))

Hook to be triggered on changes to the state of the safety adapter.

LabwareMovementHook requires labware IDs (for specific labware items, otherwise leave blank for all labware) and a trigger field to be set (start, end or both). A POST request will be sent when the selected trigger event occurs.

class linq.hooks.LabwareMovementHook(*, parameters: HookParameters, filter: Literal[Filters.ON_LABWARE_MOVEMENT] = FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='Event type triggering the hook. No longer required.', deprecated=True), labware_ids: list[str] = FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='List of labware IDs that the hook should be triggered for. If empty, the hook will be triggered for all labware.'), trigger_on: Literal['start', 'end', 'both'] = FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=False, default='both', title='Trigger On', description="When to trigger the hook. 'start' triggers the hook when the labware is picked up, 'end' triggers the hook when the labware is placed down, 'both' does both."))

Hook to be triggered when labware is transported.

NewPlanHook will send a POST request when a new plan is created.

class linq.hooks.NewPlanHook(*, parameters: HookParameters, filter: Literal[Filters.ON_NEW_PLAN] = FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, description='Event type triggering the hook. No longer required.', deprecated=True))

Hook to be triggered when a new plan is generated.

Webhook Requests

Hook Post requests have the following formats: